The parole board is considering changing the rules to disqualify certain individuals from getting a CRA ahead of their hearing - in other words, saying “we’re so sure we’re going to deny you parole that we won’t even bother going through the motions.”
What would make someone ineligible for a CRA? For starters, anyone who’s had a misuse of telephone privileges that presents no threat to security; someone late to a work program; someone who fails to comply with grooming standards.
Here’s the real kicker: these violations could have happened some 4.5 years before the scheduled hearing. In other words, folks with non-serious, non-violent rules violations in their file would be automatically considered a risk to public safety more than four years later.
The parole board isn’t even pretending to care about the legal mandate to normally grant parole. Isn’t it clear this system isn’t designed to bring anyone home?
You can see the proposed regulations here ( ), and email public comments to
[email protected]. There will be another opportunity for the public to speak at the Jan 2021 Executive Board Meeting - let's show up.
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