Did covid cause them to not even mention Eileen, in dialogue, or even show Sam calling her, or even put her photo in Sam's house? Did covid cause them to abruptly stifle Dean's grief for Cas and stifle Dean even talking about him?
Did covid cause that terrible, traumatic dialogue in Dean's death scene which upset me so much on Dean's behalf and on how it erased found family? Did covid cause them skip a popular loved character and a local actress...for...local actress on a character no one remembers from S1
Did covid cause the bad wig?

Did covid cause years of arcs to be throw away?

Really? That was all covid?
covid is why they couldn't film with an actor who was with the show for 12 seasons and a regular almost the entire time who played a key character, a 3rd lead, part of Sam and Dean's family? He was so inessential his absence can be brushed off with "eh, covid"?
80 people on the bridge but "eh covid" is why we didn't have things that you didn't even need to bring actors on set for and why Misha was left out of 15.20. Because you have to reduce who is on set for covid.

The writers didn't do this to us. Covid regs aren't why either.
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