When the feds get a FISA warrant on you, they get to do surveillance on you, but they also get "two hops". They get to do surveillance on everyone you communicate with (the first hop) and everyone *they* communicate with (the second hop). 2/
So it would only stand to reason the feds were doing surveillance on Hunter Biden and everyone he was in contact with (including Joe Biden) at least as early as early 2018. Fast forward to October 24, 2018. Remember the announcement Joe made about voter fraud? 3/
"We have put together...I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." No kidding Joe! 4/
So Trump rolled out his Executive Order protecting federal elections as a critical part of our national security infrastructure September 2018, a few months after the FISA warrant on Dr. Ho started federal surveillance of the Biden crime gang. 5/
It gives the President broad authority to seize assets of any foreign concerns interfering in federal elections AND any US persons conspiring with them!!! Think about it. If China did what we think they did, that is an Act of War. What does that make US conspirators? 6/
Speaking of what China did being an Act of War, this brings me to what may be the most important thread the great @BrianTh37895972 ever did. Make sure you watch the two minute video from @JoshJPhilipp about how China uses nonmilitary means to wage war. 7/ https://twitter.com/BrianTh37895972/status/1339210518943428612
Have you seen Thomas Wictor's great video? In it is a clip of our wonderful interim Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller. What he says about Mike Pence will blow you away! What Wictor explains about his comments was amazing. 8/
So what if @BrianTh37895972
& Wictor are right? What if Trump planned for this years ago and he's got this? What if securing his second term involves the military, but nothing remotely resembling martial law? I discussed it on my fill-in for Mark Levin. 9/ https://twitter.com/DocWashburn/status/1341228354205331457
What if...when he said "we caught them, we caught them all"...he meant it? What if...when he said it to Biden in a debate...& he added "we've got you on tape"...he really does? What if this tweet is an invitation to a celebration, instead of a protest? 10x https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1340185773220515840?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1340185773220515840%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftherightscoop.com%2Flets-get-wild-president-trump-advertises-big-protest-in-d-c-on-january-6th-be-there%2F
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