1/ quick tip for anyone who wants to get more from their coaching / training program.

most people know "how" to do stuff, they're just not doing it (for a multitude of reasons).

for example...
2/ SOPs are a critical part of scaling a service based business.

99% of service based business owner know HOW to create SOPs, yet 99% of service based businesses do NOT have SOPs.

sure, you could create a product around how to create SOPs, but how much is that worth?
3/ instead, focus on unclogging the root problem...business owners not having the time / too lazy to document processes.

if you can help them to actually create the SOPs, how much is that worth?

we're talking $99 vs $9,999.
4/ if you know "how" to solve someone's problem, you've already got the tools.

sometimes it's as simple as looking at your business from the perspective of your customer.

yes, they have a problem with SOPs...but is teaching them HOW to create them really what's best for them?
5/ the answer is no, that's only solving part of their problem.

but if you can build in a level of accountability (at scale), the value of your offer just 20x.
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