Hey so real talk, up until 3 minutes ago I was not going to take a holiday break because I had a nebulous cloud of work floating in my head that I was anxious about.
I sat down with @_YashKulkarni and we talked through everything else we had in Jira, and I got to get it out of my head and on paper, and genuinely think about what was left.

Turns out I have the time to take the break.
I think running your own business is so conducive to stress and go-go-go panic that you don't, as much as you should, sit down and re-assess.

Re-assess often. A lot of times it is less than you think it is.
If it ISN'T less work than you think it is, it is a lot easier to cut features when you're in a place of "Let's sit down and plan" then when you're in a place of "I need to work there's no time to re-assess."
I feel that your brain has a setting for GO and a setting for EVALUATE and it is bad at doing one while it is doing the other. Shifting mode into evaluate helps.
Anyways, hug your producers folks.
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