Ho boy do I have words to say about these remarks from Birx
Let me start by saying that no one should be harassing or threatening public officials' families. To the extent that people may have broken the law in doing so, I hope law enforcement gets involved and holds the people responsible accountable. 2/
Part two, and separate from that, STFU. I mean this with all the respect I can muster, which at the moment is zero. Does this woman not understand that there are MILLIONS of families who have been going through this same exact stuff because SHE TOLD THEM TO?? 3/
I mean, her whole statement is, "Being in lockdown sucks, my family deserved a break to observe Thanksgiving." THAT'S WHAT EVERYONE IN AMERICA WAS SAYING AND YOU SAID NO. 4/
Many, many years ago I read the Eragon series of books which started out great and then kind of got bogged down BUT ANYWAY (spoiler alert) the young magician who's the protagonist of the story has to defeat an evil king whose power is basically limitless... 5/
And the way he does it is by casting a spell on the king that makes him understand and actually feel all the pain he's inflicted upon all his millions of subjects. Someone clearly needs to do the same thing to Birx. 6/
Or, you know, ANYTHING that would stop her from marching out and expecting actual sympathy from moaning her family having to follow the guidance she foisted on everyone. Good freakin grief. 7/
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