For all the nay sayers out there, you need to expand your horizons. Here's a well-researched explanation. Gregg was in Moscow yesterday, probably researching #bond. Then, today, he travelled to Bucharest, Sophia, or Cairo, doing more #movie research. I will explain all below.
Many people were disappointed when Gregg did not post his big announcement at 8pm last night. Indeed, Gregg didn't post last night. He posted 𝘡𝘰𝘯π˜ͺ𝘨𝘩𝘡. He was in Russia early this morning when he posted that he would have an announcement.
When we all thought it was tonight for Gregg, it was really early in the morning for Gregg! Gregg seems to have travelled to the next time zone over, because that's when he made the big announcement about  20 minutes early
So, if you doubted the greatest #buff in the world: shame on you. He kept his word, all the while doing ground-breaking #movei research.
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