Can we talk/sign/ProTactile about something? My disclosures: I'm hearing. I'm working on learning sign. I do not know it. But I'm having a very top secret DM right now and I'm thinking: Why is this a secret?
So here goes. I'm still upset that Paul Hostovsky, who is hearing and sighted, got into @poetrymagazine for his "translation" of an #ASL poet's poem. Did that #ASL poet get into poetry? Umm, no.
Paul Hostovsky's "translation" -- D/deaf people am I using the right word? do we call this a "gloss"? -- is of Ian Sanborn's ASL poem "Caterpillar." People were like "how great! yay! ASL poem in POETRY!"
But it was not an ASL poem in poetry. It was an English poem. Ian Sanborn did not get into #Poetry magazine. Paul Hostovsky did. And if @poetrymagazine 's response is: "Well, we don't know how to publish ASL poetry," then they should figure it out. Consult ASL poets. About it.
Frankly, it's probably video. Yes, @poetrymagazine needs to figure out how to do video in their magazine. They have something like one bazillion dollars, so I trust they can do this. Here is the original poem "Caterpillar."
And this is, I think, related to the hypocrisy of hearing poets who attend readings with ASL interpretation. And hearing poets say things like, "Wasn't the ASL beautiful? I just love watching their hands." Sometimes these poets then go one step further AND WRITE A POEM ABOUT IT.
Are we clear here? Do we understand that at the same time as basically no literary magazine includes ASL poets, very many hearing poets have poems in these magazines that romanticize and fetishize ASL interpreters. #WTF #Poetry #EverydayAbleism #Audism #DeafPride
Lurker: "Jillian, it is not your place to talk about this. You're hearing." That's effing fair. But nobody else is talking about it. So I couldn't wait any longer. Yeah, I'm impatient when it comes to really obvious ableism/audism.
Also, I'm prepared to be wrong about any of this. Maybe just having translation of ASL poet is enough? Tagging Deaf and deaf and DeafBlind leaders who I think will not mind being brought into this convo @johnleeclark @RaymondAntrobus @NovicSara @jaivirdi
What brings me to this topic today? Oh, I just realized that hearing and sighted poet Paul Hostovsky has published a book called -- wait for it -- DEAF & BLIND. Yes. Seriously. In October. No, I will not be reading it.
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