1/ Dearest patriots, I ask & implore you that if you never RT any of my tweets idc as long as you RT this one, please get it out there, I'm not the greatest writer, and did my very best to express why we need to be in DC on Jan 6th, I can only hope I was
2/ guided in my writing toward a positive response, as I don't think anything is more important, so if you agree please help to get this out. Your country needs you now, we MUST do our part...and Godbless!

So for those on the fence or saying I don't need to go to DC, this
3/ thread is for you:
#1 Trump has never asked us for anything! He put his and his families lives on the line to give US our country back, has anyone directly sacrificed more for you, in your entire life?
This is his 1 ask...

#2 Those that like me KNOW we are
4/ going to win, know the plan etc. Still need to show up, our entire purpose in digging is to wake ppl up, 20mil Americans converging on DC does that. It also makes, on the fence rioters and deepst8 minions do a gut check. Do they really wanna fk around & find out?
5/ the entire reason for the plan is to shepherd as many away from the cabal as possible, to save as many as we can, via illumination, if we are truly committed to that, showing up helps to insure at some will not have the stones to go out and further ruin their
6/ lives for a lost cause.

#3 Do you want to "Save the children" are you for real? This is ur chance to stand up for everything, and to do so for yourself, so you can show yourself you truly believe, that you will stand up, that you are that guy or gal!

#4 This is
7/ every fight you were unwilling to fight, this is everytime you looked away instead of standing strong. We've all done it at one time, we wouldn't be here in this fight if we hadn't, if we all called out injustice always and fought fervently against it, they would
8/ not OWN us. The machinations against us are great, it is not our fault, that we have been so brainwashed and programmed, that we've let it go this far, that we have blinded ourselves to so much wrong. We are not perfect beings, and no-one can fault us for
9/ allowing the evil to infect everything. But even with the programming we've all had our moments of wakefulness and chose the easy path. And for those moments we have the responsibility to fix this. No one is going to fix it for us.
#5 Are you sick and tired of the
10/ swamp taking us for granted, this is your opportunity to put the fear of god in them, to know they are literally shaking in their shoes, as they have realized we aren't taking their crap anymore, and the jig is officially up.

#6 Have you ever watched
11/ videos of Woodstock, or great events that occurred throughout history, and thought "wow, what I would give to be able to have been there". Not think 10 years from now heck 50, and looking back on this and realizing you missed out on...
being amongst millions of like-
12/ minded, like-purposed, passionate ppl united in one goal, an army greater than any ever assembled on the field of battle. A gathering unlike the world has ever seen, a moment in time talked about for all of history. Do you really want to be sitting their in
13/ this conversation with ur grandkids "Granpa/ma, all we' ever hear about is the great pilgrimage the mega caravan, oh how we wish we could be alive during that, you are so lucky please tell us what it was like..." "well kids I'd love to but I didn't go" "WHY NOT!!?"...
14/ #7 you don't want to miss the chance to feel all that energy, to be in that mass movement of people from rest area, to restaurant truck stop diner, small town, with 1000's of MAGA everywhere, with all those that would once attack us in public not willing to dare
15/ because for 2 days the only cars they see for as far as they can see are MAGA. wearing our MAGA hats maskless and proud, walking undistanced arm and arm with ur fellow patriots...FREE, wouldn't that be a redpill for many.

#8 If you care about LEO, BE THERE! They have
16/ orders they have duties to follow orders, if we show up, they stand down, not even our entire military would stand against millions of ppl, they would lose that fight, luckily they would never undertake it, willingly. But think they get alot of the same news you do
17/ LEO's mil etc, and many prob think some of what the news says is true, so if are given orders to do something vs Trump, and see millions saying hell no, you are saving them from having to intercede, as they will have 100% undeniable proof of the will of the people.
18/ #9 Do you believe in God? Do you pray? Do you want to show GOD that you are willing to do more than just pray, more than just words, that you believe in him and his word and his creation so much that you will stand up, and show your tru faith in god? That you will
19/ be gods warrior in ushering in a new better more godly world and to cast out the evil that perverts his great works!

I for one will go simply to show the god I believe in I'm not all talk, and will fight and if need be gladly die for his creations. And because
20/ my President @realDonaldTrump, whom I believe is one of gods warriors asked me too, and I owe him that at least. I once said an oath to defend my country against all enemies foreign and domestic, to not show up, is to me a violation of that oath, as what battle will
21/ we ever fight that can be such a divisive victory for GOOD.

Ok so I try not to go around tagging ppl in my posts but I'm going to tag a lot of the ppl I respect as patriotic Americans in hopes to get some traction, hopefully you all will add the peeps you've come to
22/ trust. & idc abt likes, anon cause don't care about that, but I LOVE🇺🇸, believe most reading this do too..let's do it! Hope to see you all in DC on the 6th, and on the road to get there. #MAGAMarch #StopTheSteal #PatriotPilgrimageDC #SeaToShiningsea
@GenFlynn @SidneyPowell1
25/ So....ROLL CALL! Who's coming w/ to DC? pls comment where you'll be joining the caravan from. (if not flying) #MAGAPilgrimageDC
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