I want to congratulate Alex Padilla -- someone I've known dating back to when he served our city as the youngest-ever President of the Los Angeles City Council.
We served together in the State legislature where he passed landmark legislation to make California the first state in the nation to require chain restaurants to post calorie information directly on menus.
As our Secretary of State, Alex modernized our electoral process and led the effort to provide ballots by mail statewide so Californians could safely vote in this year’s election.
Today, our state gains yet another champion following a distinguished line of individuals who have shattered glass ceilings and hurdled obstacles in their way.
After then-Senator Harris’s historic election in 2016 as the first woman of color to represent California, we now have another historic barrier shattered as Alex will be the first Latino to serve California in the United States Senate.
I look forward to continuing our fight for progress and representation in all facets of our government and am excited to work with Senator Padilla in the years to come.
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