You name a serious actor/actress and I'll name the most regrettable film they were ever in (we're talking starring or major supporting actor roles here, not just an early career appearance or a brief cameo).
For example: Al Pacino - JACK AND JILL.

I still can't believe that JACK AND JILL exists.
ha ha ha, very funny.

(The joke is that John Cazale was never in a bad or even less-than-magnificent film. Taken from us far, far too early.)
I love Charlton Heston but lord knows he did a bunch of crap films. (He never did a bad sci-fi piece, interestingly enough!) I'd go with EARTHQUAKE.
I was hoping someone would ask me Stallone, because you could pick so many options. ROCKY V? Sure. RHINESTONE? That most recent RAMBO film? All plausible. But I'll go with OVER THE TOP, where he arm-wrestles to win back his angry son.
I'd go with the intolerably ponderous WUSA. Though he was terrible in THE HUDSUCKER PROXY (the worst Coen brothers film by far) as well.
Easy call: HAPPINESS, which is utterly revolting, along with most of Todd Solondz's other work.
Hackman did his fair share of mediocre films, but I think I'd probably go with the one that caused him to just say "fuck this" and retire, his final film WELCOME TO MOOSEPORT.
Jeff Bridges? Alas, it's gotta TRON: LEGACY. Why is that film even.

P.S. ARLINGTON ROAD is pretty awful too.
This probably isn't the 'correct' answer but I've always felt personally offended by the stupidity of JURASSIC PARK 2: THE LOST WORLD so that's what I'm going with.
Setting aside Cusack's post-fame "I'm just trying to scrape by and make some money here" career, the worst for sure is THE RAVEN, where he is literally the worst possible casting choice to play Edgar Allen Poe. A 13-year-old girl would have been better.
Ford has spent half of his career just not giving a crap about his film performances, so there are so many terrible ones. I'll throw out one that @bendreyfuss inadvertently made me watch the other day: PARANOIA. Makes FIREWALL look like a masterwork.
DiCaprio is one of those actors we all used to make fun of back in the '90s that we had to double back on later and admit that he's great, but I'll go with REVOLUTIONARY ROAD, which makes me fall asleep just typing the title.
Denzel is one of those actors like DDL where he elevates any film just by being in it, but I'll say that JOHN Q. was a notable piece of crap.
He was in a bunch of terrible films, but can there really be any other answer than SUPERGIRL?
Walken is another one of those "working actors" who's been in a ton of crap alongside his great roles (and he still does great work), but ask me right now and I'd say the hilariously awful THE PROPHECY. There's always KANGAROO JACK, though.
It's gotta be the Matthew Broderick GODZILLA, right? Reno isn't even terrible in it, he's Jean Reno, charisma literally boils off of his balding head. But my God is that film atrocious.
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