I am having a Very Good Day. Normally that wouldn’t be worth mentioning, but the truth is, my Very Good Days have been few and far between since #CRPS entered my life.

I’d very much like to have more of them, so I’ve been looking for reasons, explanations.
side note: isn’t it weird to search for reasons for feeling nearly-normal?)

But still, the trick to living well with a less-than-well body is to find what works, what we can affect, when otherwise things feel out-of-control.
So first, I’ve been able to pace effectively. I’m no longer commuting 2.5 hours a day, dealing with road vibrations that my body seems to dislike. That helps, enormously.
Second, that’s not to say that I’m not working. We’re on a bit of a holiday break, so I’m not working full-time, but still have a more flexible schedule, so I’m interspersing working with lying in front of the TV and snuggling the dogs.
I have distractions, but on a schedule I can (mostly) control. I have power over my day, over my life. I’ve balanced the Lazy Time with hikes around the property, moving my body, chasing puppies, and enjoying nature.
While I’m mostly-alone, I’ve also had the opportunity to interact with people I love, both in-person (though masked) and online. I have and am grateful for social support.
Also, I’ve slept. Not perfectly-well, and not all at once, but I’ve had in excess of 8 hours of sleep in the past 24 hours, which hasn’t happened in... well, I don’t know how long.
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