Democrats in Congress would have a lot more leverage if they weren't hobbled by that segment of idiots on the left who have no interest in how anything works, and insist that everything be done by magic wand. These types are as ignorant and harmful as the average Trump supporter.
McConnell has majority control of the Senate. This was the only stimulus he was willing to do. There was no scenario where Democrats could wave a magic wand to get a better deal. But try telling that to certain angry liberal activists, and they act like these facts don't matter.
Of course even a fifth grader understands that 52 is a majority of 100, so this isn't about lack of intellect. It's about certain liberal activists wanting to feel superior to the Democrats they've elected, so they constantly and falsely bash the Democrats they've elected.
People who reject the facts are harmful to the political process, no matter what side they're on. Angry foot stomping, in ignorance of the facts, is not activism – it's just "look at me" and it hurts your own side's leverage.
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