My 1st 2021 publication;-) I proudly present: 'Payments by modelled results: A novel design for agri-environmental schemes' (joint work with @NilsDroste @guweller and others)  (50 days free access)
CC @BonaRes4u
A short 🧵⬇️
Therefore, in some contexts (e.g. payments for soil functions, our @BonaRes4u-based example) it may be a solution to provide AE payments for modelled results, rather than capitulating and going for crude action-based payments /2
This conceptual figure shows illustratively how such a payments by modelled results (PAMR) scheme could work (great graphical work by William Sidemo-Holm!) /3
Of course, PAMR won't work everywhere. In many cases, conventional result-based schemes are feasible and preferrable; in others, lack of sufficiently powerful models will prevent PAMR and we have to make do with action-based payments (for now!) /4
Still, we argue that PAMR combines many advantages of result-based and action-based schemes, respectively. /5
Furthermore, it adds two genuine advantages of its own: (i) the ability to simultaneously consider multiple env objectives (e.g. multiple #soil functions in our example) and (ii) the capacity to consider long-term effects. /6
Overall, a great collaboration which originated in a 3-hrs open brainstorming meeting at @lunduniversity, where I stopped on my way to Uppsala. Most productive stopover ever, only possible because I didn't want to take the plane. #flyless /end
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