A 12 hours military excercise will take place in Gaza next Sunday, December 27 by Palestinian military factions in commomeration of 2008-9 war on Gaza "Operation Cast Lead".
During the excercise, rockets will be fired towards the sea; Sounds of explosions/ gunfire will be sounded
Video published by the Joint Palestinian Resistance announcing for the planned joint military maneuver "Extreme Corner" next Sunday.
UPDATE: The planned military maneuver across Gaza will be postponed and will take place next Tuesday, December 29.
"Our strength is in our unity"
The Extreme Corner military maneuver in Gaza will begin with the military spokesman of the Al-Quds Brigades.

A barrage of rockets will be fired towards the sea from several locations and at different times.
A seaborne landing operation maneuver will also take place.

From 1300 hrs and until 1700 hrs, the main ground operation maneuvers will take place at the Al Qassam Martyrs Military base in Rafah City, S Gaza.

A second barrage of rockets will be fired towards the sea.
NOTES: The volume of the rockets to be fired towards the sea will not be as important as their target range.

The airborne landing operation will be the largest of its kind, and is meant to act as a warning message to the IDF Navy.
The ground military operation maneuver is also meant to be a warning message to IDF Ground Forces.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, December 29, at 1000 hrs, Gaza Strip
The "Extreme Corner" maneuver also comes as a message of assurance and support to Palestinians in Gaza, West Bank, Jerusalem and in the Diaspora; The Palestinian resistance is united, present and remain the most difficult element in that conflict with Israel.
Follow up: Palestinian Drones flying over Gaza Strip
Follow up: Gaza Strip begins "Extreme Corner" Maneuver
Video: Gaza Rockets fired towards the sea
Video: Palestinian Drone flying over Gaza
The "Extreme Corner" maneuver come to an end
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