Wondering what is in the FY2021 appropriation for homeless assistance? The THUD appropriation Bill passed yesterday tells the story.
The Homeless Assistance Grants account at HUD is at an even $3 Billion – a $223 increase over 2020. This covers CoC renewals and the regular ESG program. It also includes funds for survivors of domestic violence and for youth and young adults with increases over last year.
More good news is that Congress has provided HUD with the authority needed to non-competitively renew projects that expire in 2021. That means that the FY20 CoC competition can be cancelled and recipients do not have to worry about longer gaps in funding.
Congress also appropriated $43 million for new vouchers targeted to people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Linking affordable housing and homelessness efforts is key to moving the needle.
The bill also includes $40 million for new HUD-VASH vouchers and $25 million for new family unification (FUP) vouchers.
We also see new financial deadlines for YHDP program funds previously appropriated in FY19, so communities will have enough time to plan for the effective use of those resources once HUD releases a YHDP NOFA.
Indian Tribes or tribally designated housing entities may now be collaborative applicants or recipients/ subrecipients of homeless assistance funds!
Other important items include: research on prevention, new support for legal aid as a form of homelessness prevention, clarification on the use of CDBG for homeless assistance.
Overall, a really strong package that moves us in the right direction. Thanks to everyone who worked on this!
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