here is my theory:

as globalists progressively tear society apart, they've had to exert more & more manipulative control over the masses to maintain stable managed decline

mostly done by weaponizing peoples' biology and basically enslaving them by their own carnal desires
it started with society-scale stuff like legalizing divorce, abortion, pornography, alongside pushing for sexual revolution. this was all done immediately after WW2, 60s/70s

the family was already fucked by that point and will remain fucked until those policies are un-done
then they moved onto manipulating the individual via chemicals

e.g. birth control, or "mental health medication" that artificially simulates happiness so u can tolerate the nightmare world

idk stats but I'm guessing 1 in 5 people are on psychopharmaceutical drugs at this point
"final" stage of control is the fusion of man with machine and linking people into some sort of planetary neural network capable of regulating behavior, control by "internet of things", AI supercomputer

Great Reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution will be the wedge in the door
bill gates has patented microchipping technologies for creating "digital certificates" to identify people who have been "vaccinated" against le coof

various governments are already talking about creating digital "vaxxed" certificates, and the UN gang talk of "digital identities"
meanwhile, Microsoft / Gates filed patent W02020060606 (2020, 666) for something that harvests human energy and rewards with cryptocurrency (gates is also heavily invested in crypto)

where we are heading should be pretty obvious at this point, they arent hiding anything
they've been pretty open about their plans from the beginning. globalists straight up told everybody that this was the new world order they wanted to build almost 100 years ago

they tell you everything they're doing but when you point it out, they call you a conspiracy theorist
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