I tried one of those sensory deprivation tanks last year. It was an interesting experience. I wonder if this coronavirus world we are in, is also a giant exercise in sensory deprivation? Our VISION is being directed or limited, in 2020. Corona= corona of the eye + virus ~
~ We are not to TOUCH others - 6 foot distance. People are losing senses of TASTE & SMELL. We no longer have the power of healing SOUND as we knew it, in our shadowed past. ~
When I was in the tank, I was literally adrift, disconnected from everything. I had to focus my mind, no longer being connected to the world with my senses. It was unsettling, yet meditative. It was easier to lose ‘sense of self’, and go within.
I kind of forgot about the whole experience, until recently. Now I think about it a lot, in light of current events.
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