BREAKING: Census data show Illinois lost 79K residents from July 2019 – July 2020, its worst population loss in one year since WW2 and 2nd worst in the nation. From 2010-2020, Illinois has lost 253K residents, more than triple the amount lost by any other state during that time.
We won't know components of change (births/deaths, domestic migration, int'l migration) until February. But even accounting for COVID deaths this is Illinois' worst decline since WW2.
This is the first year on record reflecting Pritzker's major policy choices: capital bill, 20 tax+fee hikes, mounting pension debt, fair tax push and COVID response. Illinois essentially lost the equivalent of Bloomington's total population from July 2019-2020.
Note: Illinois is the only state in the nation that has experienced 7 straight years of worsening population loss.
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