Today, I want to show resisters exactly how shady accts end up in our midst

Step 1
A resister randomly follows a F4F list, follows everyone listed and asks for f/b
Step 2
That F4F acct lists said resister a few days later.

Step 3
Resister doesn't vet, happy to gain followers
Step 4
This happens:
Please compare these lists with the one in Step 2
Step 5
Resister lists accts who "listed" them and trusting peeps follow lists blindly

Now these F4F accts are here to stay, bringing all their dirty friends with them

Our lists are stolen, our accts are followed by porn, maga, bots, trolls, scammers and worst of all, hackers
Please, protect resister accts

Numbers don't mean a thing if your acct is hacked, suspended, hijacked and sold


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