fiery mars energy is so much more external than water mars energy (iā€™m talking more about like the aries/scorpio relationship but also in general) and i. need that. give. time to push not pull. want.
i kinda like this half assed metaphor...if a fire mars pushes and a water mars pulls, perhaps an earth mars would dig and an air mars would...catch? does this make sense i think it makes sense i like it
i guess to better explain it i feel like a fire mars puts its energy into the immediate world around them, water marsā€™ energy goes 2 the immediate world within them, an earth marsā€™ to the world that supports/builds them, n an air to the finding whatā€™s holding all of them together
which is not a super spicy take, i mean we all basically know the general attitudes of the elements, but i am a bit partial to the idea of air graviting to the concept of unifying all of those things. iā€™ve never really thought about air mars energy like that, but i like it. hm.
and now that iā€™m thinking about it, thatā€™s actually kind of air marsā€™ whole thing though isnā€™t it? gemini, aquarius, libra mars all of them are inclined to make what looks like a multifaceted solution and fits the archetype but itā€™s truly just connecting everything isnā€™t it? cute
i like to see mars as both how we destroy but also how we build back onto that destruction/the reason we felt it needed to be recreated in the first place. mars is productive and vital energy, how we choose to spend it and what sparks that energy within us. (part of) our motive.
idk. i have a very complicated relationship to mars. i have a day chart, and she rules my 3rd moon, so sheā€™s p mean to me sometimes but like. i also have a virgo mars in the 1st so iā€™ve come to appreciate her complexities and how they force me to grow and see myself.
if i look at it through the lens of the metaphor i used, every martian situation iā€™ve been through has forced me into a range of different perspectives. it made the very ground beneath me feel untrustworthy, and forced me to pull it all apart until i found out why.
and at the end of the day, i always find itā€™s because iā€™m misplacing that energy myself. mars is not a nice planet, generally. itā€™s malefic, and not always a ā€œletā€™s learnā€ moment immediately. it was years of not building right beneath me before anything else. earth needs support.
& with my very, honestly, intimate hold mars has over me, that affected my entire life and way of seeing things in a terrible way. idk. iā€™m just appreciating the journey i suppose. iā€™m appreciating malefics, lessons, and the years i spent displacing my emotion. it made me better.
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