Ya gotta understand, people.

DC is **crawling** with lobbyists year round and the annual federal spending package is **their big moment**.

These lobbyists spend ALL YEAR working our Congress for their BIG MOMENT. https://twitter.com/Yoder_Esqq/status/1341348492850176000?s=20
Certain rich people spend a LOT...a WHOLE LOT...of their $$$ lobbying our Congress around the clock for a year and they expect their investment in lobbyists and graft to pay off.

And the day the annual federal spending package is passed is the day they get their return.
They pass this monstrous $1 trillion+ bill every year with all this stuff dropped in at once to **avoid accountability**.

It's always been done during a time the public is preoccupied with other things and not really paying attention.

And we rarely find out WHICH SPECIFIC MEMBERS OF CONGRESS got lobbied [i.e. BRIBED] with a couple thousand dollars to put stuff like a $115 million payout to the people running a "wild horse & burro program" in the annual federal spending bill.

They take their fingerprints off.
This is how the lobbying system works.

Rich donors send lobbyists to DC to work the room & find members of Congress who in exchange for a couple hundred thousand $ will send HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of our taxpayer dollars into programs, industries, companies the donors control.
You want $115 million for your pet program, it only makes sense to spend $6 or $7 million of your own money hiring lobbyists to work the room in the Congress to get that line put in the federal spending bill.

You get a massive return on your investment.

It's just good business
And a lot of the people crafting where massive amounts of US taxpayer dollars actually end up **aren't even Americans**.

They are lobbyists for foreign nations and corporations.

This is the system @realDonaldTrump went to DC to take on.

Obviously, he hasn't defeated it yet.
Until we fix it so every member of Congress who adds a line to the federal spending bill has to identify who they are, they'll be able to avoid accountability & keep raking in the cash from the people lobbying them.

You want $50 million for a trans program in Pakistan?
Great! But when you'd have to PUBLICLY IDENTIFY yourself as the member of Congress who succeeded in adding that item to the federal spending bill, you'll lose your anonymity and people will be able to hold you accountable for doing that.
Trump has 2 big items to tackle in his second term:

1) fixing the federal election system in the corrupt states where massive federal election fraud has been taking place for decades


2) fixing the graft industry that has seized control of our Congress

Look what Trump did today!

He's appointing people to the board of this center that always seems to get MASSIVE amounts of federal taxpayer cash. https://twitter.com/tracybeanz/status/1341468555091595270?s=20
By January 6 a lot is going to be clear about how Trump will get the 2nd term.

And then he's going to unleash his inner swamp-draining beast.

A lot has been set up in the 1st term positioning things for the 2nd term.

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