Also people are vulnerable - vulnerability is not socially constructed it is an actual objective reality. Disabled people are vulnerable and so are non-disabled people and the world would be a better place by everyone acknowledging they are vulnerable not denying that fact...
...or suggesting vulnerability is socially constructed. Risk is socially constructed and we put some people with particular vulnerabilities at greater risk partly because test of humanity is on this autonomy/independent/impenetrable/invulnerable/never a victim neoliberal kick
I’m vulnerable. I have been a victim. I am at risk. My autonomy is linked to others. I am not a fecking island.

And none of this consistently harmful policy that particularly targets disabled people, old people, poor(er) people, racialized people, etc. is bc ‘overlooked’
I know that piece is paywalled. I understand reasons for paywalls but I also disagree with coverage about disabled and/or poor people being paywalled especially relating to pandemic so...screenshots with alt text for my community.

Sorry. I know it's a long thread but I felt it was important to make the article available and accessible.
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