Thread - Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

IF seems to be one of the most misunderstood concepts in health & fitness

If you who aren't aware, it's "shrinking" the amount of time in which you consume calories

For most it's 16 - 18 hrs, which is essentially skipping breakfast
I've seen some people compare it to "starving" & others claim that it's just a fad

Intermittent fasting is not a "fad", not a "fix all" either

When done properly intermittent fasting brings a multitude of health benefits

The best part is IF is free & something everyone can do!
A major benefit of IF is helping you to lose fat

This is for different reasons inc.

Easier to be in a calorie deficit
More efficient digestive system
Lowered insulin resistance

Check out @_CynthiaThurlow & her story on how IF can help with #Fatloss & radically improve health
Improving fat loss capabilities is just one of multiple health benefits intermittent can deliver, it can also help improve

Human growth hormone levels
Energy levels
Testosterone levels
Immune function
Cell regeneration
Visceral fat levels
Insulin sensitivity
Inflammation levels
In regards to IF & testosterone production specifically

Intermittent fasting leads to an increase in luteinizing hormone levels

LH stimulates the leydig cells to produce more testosterone

IF also helps to indirectly increase T, learn more ⬇️
IF is also linked to a reduced risk of inflammatory disease & health issues

Type 2 diabetes
Some cancers
Heart disease
Cardiovascular disease
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

It makes you wonder why you rarely see doctors recommend IF for the above
IF potentially benefits brain health as well:

▶️Improved cognition
▶️Reduced risk of dementia
▶️Strengthened Synaptic plasticity

Again raises the question of why you don't hear more about IF

I think the answer is simple, you would if big medicine could somehow charge for it!
Other benefits are of Intermittent fasting are

▶️It's extremely flexible
▶️A massive time save
▶️Massive money saver

You will find you spend less time cooking, eating & spend less on food

It's also easy for you to fit it around whatever is happening socially/ in your diary
IF & Muscle

If you are looking to lose fat & gain muscle or maintain size while gaining muscle, IF is perfect for you!

If you are looking to gain size & muscle I wouldn't necessarily recommend a large fasting window, a smaller fasting window will work well though!
Lots of people worry about losing muscle mass due to fasting

It's never been an issue I've seen with clients & plenty of people fast without negatively impacting muscle

Including guys like

Hopefully, you have found this thread informative & useful if you have a retweet would be appreciated

Any questions in regards to intermittent fasting , how it works, benefits etc. just drop me a reply
You can follow @Nate_D_Stone.
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