Re: insiders scrutinizing RZIM systems. Reposting Price Pritchett quote from his booklet, *The Ethics of Excellence.*

“The organization can never be something the people are not.”

To which I add my corollary:

“The organization will eventually become whatever its leaders are.”
I know from experiences in toxic SBC church plant how hard it can be for insiders to overcome any "ethical inertia" to become loyal opposition. We want to see the system cleaned out, set aright. We challenge those in control, and change may or may not happen.

What if it doesn't?
Or what if the institutional commitment for change isn't enough to create safety and sustainability?

How long do we wait for other insiders (whether they have power to implement change or not) get it about the problems that are overturning the organization's mission and vision?
How do we avoid getting stuck in complicity?

Do we stay associated with an ossified organization that continues to harm people, hoping to move it to repentance and reparations?

Do we separate from it, declare it "Ichabod!"--the glory has departed and will not/cannot return?
I've not observed situations where loyal opposition board members, administrators, employees, or associates in a toxic organization stay forever. They either leave eventually, or are forced out.

But while they still have an insider voice, perhaps they can spark outsiders to act.
We're witnessing some of these conundrum questions being wrestled with by associates of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. They are now in a role of loyal opposition to RZIM, calling its leadership to biblical accountability, non-profit transparency, ethical responsibility.
I'm thankful for those in the past who've researched & written on the reported abuses of Ravi Zacharias and RZIM. I'm also thankful for the courageous loyal opposition folks who are seeking & speaking the truth, shining light into darkness. May the work of them all bear fruit!
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