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There is a strong connection between the Tree of Life, the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil, and what I call β€œyet another tree.”

The tree which Messiah was crucified upon 2,000+ years ago.
First, Adam & Eve disobeyed YAH’s clear instructions & ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil. This was a crucially wrong choice that became the very means by which death was introduced to this world.
Did you notice that before this tragic event took place, YAH did not say anything specific to Adam & Eve concerning the Tree of Life that was in the same garden? It seems like they chose to first approach the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil instead of The Tree of Life.
Again, Adam & Eve’s disobedience introduced death for the first time & they lost the very special position that they had enjoyed with their Creator, until that moment.
In other words, by choosing to partake of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, Adam and Eve forfeited their privileged status with YAH & it affected us all, as we all are their descendants.
A few thousand years later, YAH sent His only begotten Son, Israel’s Messiah, as the 2nd (or last) Adam to reverse this process of death that began with our first earthly parents. Scripture tells us that Yahusha came to this world & tasted DEATH.
How exactly did He do that? He became the very Man prophesied by Moses as the accursed, hanging on a tree. It is my understanding that the Tree of Life located inside the Garden of Eden was a picture of Israel’s Messiah.
Yahusha Himself, declared that He is The Way, The Truth, & The LIFE. Scripture tells us that the very LIFE was in Him. The cruel death He suffered on the tree of crucifixion actually brought LIFE to
everyone who came & will come to Him in true repentance & faith.
The beautiful picture: While Adam & his wife were not allowed to taste the fruit of one of the two most important trees in the Garden of Eden, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, now all of us (their descendants) are called to come to the foot of β€œyet another tree.”
The Tree of Messiah: The crucifixion tree. Where ALL can taste its great benefits of ETERNAL LIFE in His glorious Kingdom.
Hanging on the tree of crucifixion at Golgotha & bearing the consequences of the first Adam’s sin, Messiah actually united the two other trees mentioned in the Garden of Eden.
Yes, while hanging on that tree, Yahusha followed the first Adam’s pure love towards his wife, Eve, and thus He as well β€œpartook” with us (the new Eve) from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Yahusha completely identified with the first Adam’s sin (tasting the forbidden fruit/sin/death), and on the crucifixion tree, He Himself became the manifestation of the consequences and penalty of that sin.
Since His first coming, whoever comes to β€œMessiah’s Tree” and β€œtastes” from His everlasting goodness is actually following in His Master’s footsteps:
He/she admits that, as First Adam and Eve’s descendants, they also β€œpartook” of the forbidden tree & that now the only one possible solution to their terrible hopeless condition is to come to the foot of β€œMessiah’s Tree,” where they can gain back their lost position before YAH.
Now, with the understanding that the Garden of Eden was really where Jerusalem is now located, this picture becomes even clearer. Both the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge were in that Garden (Jerusalem). Exactly where Yahusha united these trees in His own β€œTree.”
None of us can reach the Tree of Life, and thus, gain eternal life, by only observing the Word, the Torah, nor by claiming YAH’s mercies/grace and continuing to do our own thing.
In order to gain eternal life, one must pass through the two guards and proceed further, behind them, to the actual source of life, to the very Tree of Life, who is Yahusha, Israel’s Messiah.
The two guards are there to point us in this crucially important direction. Yahusha is the only One who can give us Eternal Life. Only by faith & complete trust in what He did for us on that tree can we be back in the Garden & enjoy Him. The very Tree of Life!

Book: Moses Wrote About Me
Author: Yosef Rachamim Danieli
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