Folks, I'd like to take a moment and comment on mask wearing at mass.
I'm in a position as a priest where I hear from a lot of priests and I have to tell you, our madness is damaging our clergy greatly. We have priests who are pushed to the breaking point because of people's
personal convictions about masks.
For me personally, every week, I am sent messages chastising me for not forbidding entrance to people for not wearing masks and I get it.
But, to be clear, I'm also getting angry/hurt messages from peopleabout getting kicked out of a Church or
forbidden entrance to a Church because of a lack of room or mask issues and I get that too.
Do you see the impossible spot your priests are in?
As Pastors, we end up with two choices:
1. Kick people out or forbid them entrance
2. Remind people every week to wear masks and
count on their good will and communal sense to compel them to wear masks.
Personally, I will not forbid anyone entrance. I will not kick anyone out on principle which leaves me to have to address tearful people who can't come to Church because they are at risk and too many
people aren't wearing masks.
So, here are my two requests.
First, for my brothers and sisters who can wear masks but don't:
Make no mistake, when you decide not to wear a mask at mass, you are making a decision not just for yourself, but for other people and, to be blunt, it is
your priest and/or parish who is paying for it. Please wear a mask if you are able.
I will not kick people out or police the wearing of masks: that is bad policy in my opinion and doesn't take the human factor into account.
I don't know what I don't know and I respect your
freedom and trust your good will.
For those concerned about people not wearing masks:
First, you do not know what you do not know. Some people do have legitimate psychological or medical reasons to not wear them and assuming politics or bad motives is generally a bad idea.
Sometimes, people simply forget and end up getting yelled at.
Secondly, there is in my experience, a lot of exaggeration here: "NO ONE WAS WEARING MASKS" usually means less than 5% weren't wearing masks. I am up front facing everybody and I look. I look because if we ever pass
the 10% point of people not wearing masks, I believe I need to do something drastic.
In then end, we need to be community members: bearing patiently with each other and not assuming bad motives or ill intent. At the core of the human person is the gift of freedom and I invite us
to use that freedom to focus on controlling what we are called to control and nothing else. If each of us do that, these type issues end up not causing so much pain.
Whatever your thoughts on this issue, I am asking you not to let comments or discussion devolve into conspiracy
theories about masks, judgmental comments about those who don't wear them or grotesque accusations about your priest.
I am simply asking you to read this and pray about it and respond as your well formed conscience dictates.
I do love you all so very much and I want to serve you well. Please pray that God guide me and help me do so.
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