Unfortunately the design by @PCPArch for @OxfordPropGroup is extremely dire. Very tall towers, segregated by use, a park in the middle that will be a sterile corporate noplace, and a car cul-de-sac. #topoli
This evokes @HudsonYardsNYC, and it is bad. Quasi-public space surrounded by insular buildings.
And this development involves demolishing 800,000 ft.² of office and retail space. @archdeclare_us @PCPArch
Does anyone actually believe this will be a good place?
The city has spent 25 years putting a regular street grid back into the Regent Park megaproject. Meanwhile, here comes a new set of towers in the-park.
This park at the corner, which in its current state is abominable urban design - where did this come from?
What this should have: 1) Existing towers largely retained. 2) A street grid and no cul-de-sac. 3) Retail directly facing the streets. 4) Actual park (not POPS). 5) A variety of architects and architecture.
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