if park jimin was your boyfriend: a thread
he’ll send you silly pictures
and tiny selfies
he’ll act cute for you to make you smile
even send cute videos
he’ll call you wherever he is
and whines if you don’t answer
he’ll show you the sights he’s seeing
every sight
he’ll show you what the sky looks like for him
wherever he is
he’ll go on park dates with you
and amusement parks too
he sends goodnight pictures but stays up till morning to talk to you
he flirts with you
a lot
he updates you when he’s done with work
and when he’s going home
“you’re outside my hotel room?”
hope u enjoyed! let your imagination continue it 😼
+ @JJKMYT1M3 @flwryfairykook i didn’t know u changed usernames i’m sorry 🥺 andd @95fairykth ily
while you’re here, support my bestie!! https://twitter.com/unvgukk/status/1341405696982720516
also!! i did a hoseok one too :> https://twitter.com/kookietonin/status/1340312431646556161
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