The divide between how women and men perceive the automotive industry is getting worse, not better, and there's survey data to back that statement up. Talented workers are looking elsewhere because they feel unseen and unwelcome in auto. It's time to sound the alarm bells. (1/4)
For the December issue, the team at @AutoNewsCanada trusted me with the annual feature section titled Leading Women, which this year brought some critical insights to light around why women are increasingly looking to other industries for their careers.
If you're a subscriber, you'll find in-depth articles in the digital edition released yesterday, on pages 12 to 14. There are also two virtual roundtables, one I hosted on auto retail and another with Publisher @JasonStein on manufacturing, at this link:
If you have any stake in automotive, please give the insights offered by these insiders your time and attention. Ignoring these issues will only result in an industry left behind. #automotive #autoindustry #womeninauto
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