Boy is befriended by man
Man spends time with boy
Man gives boy gifts
Man compliments boy
Man introduces boy to men
Man gets men to abuse boy
Man convinces boy it’s not abuse
Abuse continues for months
Years later boy is young man (YM)
YM eventually acknowledges abuse
YM tells police
Police say he didn’t say no
Police say this means consent
YM’s friend says he’s to blame
YM’s mental health deteriorates
He starts abusing drugs/alcohol
YM attends therapy
Collaborative relationship formed
Cognitions are challenged/explored
Solution focused approach used
Male-friendly language used
Action orientated approach used
Educational CSE film used
YM’s confidence increases
He no longer abuses drugs/alcohol
His mental health improves
He reports healthier functioning

Details changed/anonymised

Permission given

#Boys #ChildSexualExploitation #CSE #ChildSexualAbuse #CSA
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