It’s @annaefoster and @tonylivesey’s final show of the year together today. They set out to hold your hands through all this and make you smile through bad times. They’re superb presenters, lovely people and make a really hard job look easy. Here are just a few highlights 👇
As Peter Allen said last week, Anna is great in the studio and comes alive when she’s out and about. I wanted to sleep for a week just reading the hours of output she did for BBC news reporting on the US election. Outstanding:
Just the start of many conversations about race we’ve heard on the show this year. Tony opened the programme with this after being embarrassed by some fans of his beloved Burnley:
When live sport disappeared, 5 live had a few gaps in the schedule so we invented a spin-off show, Drive: The Extra Mile. A+T didn’t open the running order until they were live on air with won’t find many presenters brave enough to do that!
Thanks to Sonja for sharing her story. Marcus Rashford shared this interview with Anna and the government changed policy the following day:
One of my all time radio highlights, even more special that we made Bobby smile not long before his death ❤️
Tony hasn’t really enjoyed working from home 😂🐶
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