Here's a decent, somewhat calm summary of the copyright screwjob we got for $600.

10 year sentence for *running* a platform that permits unauthorized streaming.

Easy to abuse copyright "small claims" agency able to issue up to $30,000 in penalties.
Article points opt out rules undermine the alleged purpose of CASE (creators protecting work against exploitation by business) but will make it easy to harass individuals.
A dream for © trolls &
if platforms respond to CASE like they do DMCA it could be a way to silence speech.
And this, as one has proably seen on the timeline, is just one of the MANY BS items attached to this bill, which is over 5,500 pages long. At least one senator claims it's one of the longest bills they've seen in 10 years.

And we get $600 dollars.
So streamers may not go to jail, but streaming platforms will have to accomodate this new threat, maybe pass on the cost of protections, meaning streaming & social media may become more tangled mess of unacknowledged class heirarchies & corporate exploitation than now.
Upside: maybe it will radicalize lovers of games and memes in a good way.
Kids, this how the ruling class behaves. The system leverages our desparation to further their ends.
Join the left! Fight fascists - they serve the exploiters.
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