But Biden will also inherit a peace process that didn’t exist previously. He will also inherit the US- #Taliban agreement. Both of these are new dynamics from when Biden was last in the White House. 3/n
Unfortunately, that peace process has moved very slowly while the timeline for US troop withdrawals per the US- #Taliban agreement looms. Thus, Biden inherits a war that is eroding militarily & crawling diplomatically—with critical decisions required immediately. 4/n
Biden should further build this case publicly & privately—make clear that until the #Taliban uphold their end, no more troops will come out. Significant moves against #alQaeda members in #Afghanistan should be a key element of this. 6/n
2) Make clear to the #Taliban that the admin’s patience for their compliance w/the deal is limited. TB have consistently pushed the limits of the deal during Trump’s time (eg violence in/near cities, hosting AQ) & found no pushback. Biden needs to change that dynamic. 7/n
3) Biden should engage in proactive planning for CT options that don’t require a troop presence in #Afghanistan. None of the options for this are great—but there are options & the admin should pursue them IOT increase its freedom to action on AFG policy. 8/n
4) The admin should press #Afghanistan for additional reforms to the #ANDSF to make them less expensive, less complicated & more sustainable for the Afghan govt (esp the Air Force & Army). This would help strengthen the govt’s hand in negotiations w/the #Taliban. 9/n
*None* of these things will be easy & they’ll all require significant immediate attention when the admin will want to be focused on a host of other issues. I’ll be very curious to see who the admin chooses to lead these complicated but critical efforts. 10/10
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