I am just one woman in Texas writing this to you @realDonaldTrump , not expecting that you will ever read this, but in honor of my family who fought in the Revolutionary war and every war America has fought ever since, I must cry out for freedom. 1/9
My family came to America to be free. We crossed the country in covered wagons, settled in inhospitable swamps and worked the land all the live long day until we could feed ourselves and our communities. Every drop of sweat & blood was worth shedding for because we were free. 2/9
We were a people free to worship our God when, where & how we wanted. We married in our churches. Buried our loved ones on our church grounds. We made choices for the betterment of our people & communities so we could all thrive. Life was hard but so good because we were free 3/9
We said goodbye to loved ones going to war. We lost loved ones on the battlefield who would gladly do it all over again if they had more than one life to give for America. We grieved as communities in tragedies and we laughed and danced during times of joy. We were free. 4/9
Then, the darkness came. Politicians we elected began to betray us in favor of foreign interests and big businesses who helped them grow fat and happy. Now we know their methods of obtaining and keeping power. 5/9
Politicians sold America to the highest bidder seeing her nor more than a whore they'd send out to earn them their living while seeing her average citizen & people as beneath contempt. The lesser masses were good only for working for the establishment's enrichment. 6/9
They have now attempted a steal of our most precious right – our right to cast our vote in such a brazen way, it is as if they dare us to do something about it. This after a year they made us a prisoner in our own homes, destroyed our businesses and shut our churches down. 7/9
Even this morning I read of your attorney signaling surrender rather than fight by using any means necessary against an enemy with absolutely no qualms to win by any way they can even if it means destroying the people and the country they’ve drained dry for decades. 8/9
Remember my face. I am America. Remember my people Remember these words when they whisper in your ear to concede. I ask nothing more than our vote be honored & our God given rights protected. There are 80 million more like me. We, sir, come to fight with everything we have. 9/9
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