"Competing crises are slamming the USPS just days before Christmas, imperiling delivery of millions of packages, as the agency contends with spiking coronavirus cases in its workforce, unprecedented volumes of e-commerce orders + continuing fallout from cost-cutting program"
Remember, the USPS receives no taxpayer subsidies, even as it is delineated in the US Constitution.

"Article 1, Section 8 says that [The Congress shall have the power] to establish Post Offices and Post Roads" https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/article-1/section-8/
I hope the new administration fires DeJoy and repeals the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 (PAEA).

Americans deserve a robust, reliable and secure Postal mail delivery service. It is one of the lessons of 2020.
One of the comments referenced prosecuting DeJoy. I have no opinion on that.

I would prefer to see the Department of Justice be independent & depoliticized. That said, they should always investigate crime if suspected + aggressively prosecute when they find evidence of it.
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