Because I don’t have the time or energy to rewrite that 2nd thread, I’ll break it down:
“Latinx” was created during the feminist movement in Brazil in the 80s, not in 2004. It was created to resist patriarchy and gendered language.
It is now mainly used to be more inclusive of gender nonconforming folks. Not every Latino agrees with it because some think it is difficult to pronounce especially for Spanish monolingual people, which may be the case but most people who put in the effort, can say it no problem.
Some Latinos argue it goes against “rules of Spanish grammar” which is a non-argument bc that is precisely the point. Some Latinos see it as an attempt to “whiten” the Spanish language, which doesn’t make sense since 1) Spanish IS white, 2) the term was made by US.
Remember that Spanish was the language of the white conquistadores who colonized most of Latin America. Other people see the term as “divisive,” which is a weak counter argument to a term, that by design, includes more people.
Some people who oppose the term Latinx have an issue with the fact that it introduces English words into the Spanish language, which is BS since we do this all the time. These same people often have no problem using other English words we’ve adopted 👉🏾 
Language evolves, new words are added regularly, many words in the Spanish dictionary are used only by a subset of people, rules can and have changed, and exceptions to rules happen all the time. In fact, Spanish, as we know it, is a blend of native, creole, and other languages.
One last thing: most Twitter users write for their audience. Many of my followers are Latinx and activists and so yes, Latinx is the term I will use and I do so proudly. If anyone is so bothered by other people’s use of the term, I’ll challenge them to really think about
...why that is the case, instead of going after people who use the term. Don’t come for me when I use the term Latinx, just like I don’t come for you when you use Latino or Latina. There IS room for all three words, and I can and will use whichever I prefer. Live and let live. 🙏🏾
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