1/ Reporting on Burkina Faso over the last three years, I've been shocked by two things.

The speed of the country's decline and the almost complete lack of interest from the international community.

Here are two features w/ @SimonTownsley which are free on @TelGlobalHealth
2/ First, a piece where I lay out some of the reasons why the once peaceful country is now buckling under the weight of the fastest-growing jihadist insurgency on earth.

Photo: @SimonTownsley

3/ In the second piece, we look out at how the jihadist insurgency and militia attacks are combining with so many long-standing problems across the Sahel like climate change to create an almighty humanitarian crisis.

Photo: @SimonTownsley

4/ Probably not skilled enough to really lay out what I think and feel about the last three years reporting on the Sahel and Burkina Faso in any article. But I hope this gives newcomers an idea of what is at stake in one of the world's most underreported crisis zones.
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