Comparing peak Poch team to current Mourinho side is redundant and not very relevant in terms of what we’re attempting to do in the present. Which is to ‘get over the line’, psychologically, with a mental edge we haven’t mustered up in the past. With an inherited, broken...
...squad of players that Mauricio left behind. There are different ideologies at play. For example, ‘just win something’ so the core set of players achieve success at the club, for all their prior efforts. Whether Jose is here for his ego, for the short term - it doesn’t matter.
Why? Because him solidifying his legacy means we still get a taste of something if he’s successful. The why I get through all of this is by accepting this is a means to an end and the sacrifice is more important (right now) than the more romanticised notions I prefer.
Nothing is comparable to what we felt under Poch in those two mesmerising seasons of brilliant football, the brotherhood and swarming pressing swagger. That togetherness. The identity and the belonging. Nothing. There is no debate. This was and is, quintessentially classic Spurs.
But where it gets messy is the reality that classic Spurs equates to flawed Spurs. Plucky pretenders, lacking that edge and that refinement to sometimes do things the dirty, unattractive way. The media and pundits remain comfortable that we can’t get across the line.
Within our fanbase, some supporters are aggrieved & demand silverware with a preference of substance over style. Others want only style. A mix of both is possible, but not overnight. But mostly (‘cause of billionaire clubs), you have to find alternative methods to truly contend.
I don’t personally place myself into a position where I force myself to choose what is better. I’m Spurs, free flowing expansive football is in my blood. But a mix of both is a rarity. Under Poch we did plenty right, but it was raw. And it’s quite funny that Jose is accused of...
...not having a Plan B when that was the same criticism aimed at Pochettino. What Spurs have never had is the exact trait that Mourinho has proven experience in. It ain’t pretty. We shift with discomfort because it ain’t Tottenham. It’s the antithesis of Spurs.
But that’s our ego talking, getting in the way. We can’t demand we do it the old way when the old way hasn’t worked - if working is defined solely on winning things. Spurs are not only fighting the ills of modern football and the monopoly on how you achieve glory (£££)...
...but they’re also fighting themselves too.

Spurs are currently sticking their two fingers up at the world. We need to make sure we don’t get them chopped off by our enemies or our own.

In addition: Twitter fucked up, lost a tweet from the thread where I stated Mou is causing pockets of problems of his own doing, and that he has to adapt. That this is for him to take ownership of. And that it ain’t easy, not fixed overnight - but does feel fast tracked.

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