Dixon, Vigland, and Seder and are malding hard about Jimmy Dore.

It's kind of amazing how much bullshit they manage to squeeze into much annoying bullshit can be compressed into 2 minutes and 40 seconds.
Sam Seder says Jimmy Dore doesn't understand the difference between:

"like, you know, a filibuster"


"sitting there happy to have to have Peter Thiel on the Supreme Court"

PLUS: Ben Dixon mad online Jimmy Dore bought a house by being mad online.
Their jealousy really does just ooze off the screen with these people.

But it's also interesting that they're basically just admitting that they view their job as *tamping down* people's anger, rather then actually reflecting it.
TFW you spend five minutes attacking Jimmy Dore's personality, comparing him to Alex Jones, saying he's delusional, has "emotional issues" and so on

.... and then complain about him (not you) making it "personality focused"
"Sociopothy," lmao.

Also Jimmy Dore is a fed and Cointelpro and actually taking M4A away from us.

Except the schedule these people have we'll all literally be eligible for regular Medicare by the time they ever accomplish anything!
Lol, Ben Dixon claims that Jimmy Dore is "scullying"(?) Medicare 4 all "for the next 4 years"

Then Sam Seder chimes in channeling Hillary Clinton saying M4A won't happen in the next 4 years period - which of course makes Ben's point completely irrelevant anyway 🙄.
Same energy.
It's honestly amazing. Like this guy says "it just got set back," sounds like Trump saying "the wall just got 10 feet higher!"

They're not even arguing actually doing #ForceTheVote WOULD set us back but that we've ALREADY been set back just by youtubers, lol.
Lmao "Jimmy Dore should never have gotten back in this conversation ... Never, ever allow that man to be in the conversation about true progressivism!"

Ben Dixon says on like the 5th half hour show entirely about Jimmy Dore's character in like two weeks.
Even more hilarious is Sam Seder basically saying "I should have just stolen his idea and not given him any credit."

Although, ironically in my case I wasn't watching either YouTube channel at all, but Sam's video is how I ended up finding out about it https://twitter.com/delmoi/status/1335069290026979328
But the thing is, if Sam had just made a video saying "here's a good idea on how progressive dems could get leverage" no one would have clicked on it. Seder is using Dore's name to get clicks on his channel, as he complains about Dore trying to get clicks on his.
The only videos he gets clicks on are videos attacking Jimmy Dore, as well as those making fun of republicans. With the GOP out of power attacking republicans won't get much traffic, so he's got to go with something else.

Problem is there's no real attack on the merits here.
So what he's left with is just sticking with character attacks. He could have pivoted to saying like "I didn't like what he was doing before, but this is a good idea, but he just needs to calm down with his rhetoric." but I think there really is a massive amount of jealousy here
Oh my god. This like actually made me mad. Jimmy has talked about how he literally went bankrupt due to a medical condition no one knew how to treat for 2 years, thought about killing himself, and so on.

Ben Dixon says he hasn't suffered at all, and that he's "nothing"
I'm actually watching the video for the first time in premier as I'm taking clips out, so hadn't even seen that bit when I'd posted the rest of the thread. It's actually disgusting.

Check out Emma and Sam's faces as he's saying this shit:
They finished off with some mutual ass kissing, and just regretting they even HAD to talk about Jimmy in the first place.
And actually Jimmy just posted the segment from his show yesterday talking about his own struggles with health insurance, about 12 minutes in.

Compare what he has to say with the smug bullshit from Dixon and born rich assholes Vigland and Seder.
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