The Independent Children’s Homes Association #ICHA, representing companies who run children’s homes for profit, has published its annual ‘state of the sector’. You can find it via  Some thoughts:
1.This is a survey. There is no actual evidence of any of the claims made. This is an ‘industry’ dominated by private equity, not best known for its transparency. (Recent critical Children's Commissioner report into the sector provided evidence for every claim).
2.According to the survey, fees paid by local authorities have continued to increase and are now typically above £4,000 per week per child/young person. Paid by LA children's services, who are mostly deep in the red.
3.More than half of private owners say they are increasing capacity in children's homes because of the rise in demand.
4.The ICHA thinks local authorities have lost control.

“There is increasing evidence in this survey that existing local authority commissioned frameworks have lost influence even further on the development of the sector.”
5.Over 4 out of 5 (82%) of placements are spot purchased, thus outside framework arrangements and generally costing more. (Btw, I hate the terminology as much as you).
6.More children are being sent to live further away from their communities.

“This is consistent with DfE data showing increasing numbers of looked after children being placed in residential settings outside of the Council boundary."
7.Private equity is not mentioned once. There is no consideration of the multi-million debts, nor of the usurious rates of interest being paid by providers to their private equity owners.
8.The ICHA is becoming increasingly twitchy about its reputation. Yet, to my knowledge, there is almost no external interest in who they are or what they do.
9.The work is authored by Andrew Rome at Revolution Consulting, with long-standing links to the private sector. He owns the copyright and requires me to consult him before reproducing extracts of this report. I have not done so.
10. Rome is the go-to person for the Dept of Ed and the LGA. The ICHA is routinely consulted by national and local government on policy around looked-after children. It is also embraced by voluntary organisations. In reality, it is a lobby group for private providers.
11.The ICHA is demanding a role in the upcoming Care Review.

“The forthcoming and imminent Care Review would do well to ensure that there is opportunity given for provider voices to make their contribution.”
12. Meanwhile, CareTech, one of the biggest providers of foster care and children's homes, continues to enrich its directors.
13. Apologies for another extra long and dense thread, at a time when you have many other more urgent issues.
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