...flow test were asked to take a PCR test, as these are known to be more accurate (comment: more sensitive, arguably - NOT more accurate).

Of the 35 PCR tests which have so far been analysed, 13 have been positive. Students whose PCR tests have not yet been analysed have...
... been asked to self-isolate.

So far the positivity rate is 0.03 per cent, compared to the Scotland average of 4.4 per cent as of December 17.

Comment: this is more 100x lower than the official figures. Frankly, I don’t believe the official figures. No possible manoeuvres...
...get the recent measurements anywhere close to the official figures.

As a scientist & experimentalist for the last 30+ years, in any uncertainty, I ALWAYS adopt a policy of at least two, independent approaches to any problem. The principle is that you’d expect convergent...
...results of both methods are roughly right. If as in this case, the results are in violent disagreement, at most, only one can be roughly correct (& it’s possible that both are wrong).

Please note that for all the frankly propaganda about the LFT, it has been externally...
...validated by professionals (in this case IIRC it was Porton Down, no amateurs). This LFT has the testing equivalent of an MOT. We know what it’s operational false positive rate (0.32% in lab conditions & probably a little higher used by trained, non professionals, like...
...the British Army). This test returned just under 1% positives when deployed at scale in Liverpool then Merthyr Tydfil. Liverpool was the purported “national hotspot”.

So it’s not correct to say it’s missing 99% of the infected people.

Something is very wrong with PCR mass..
...testing results. These labs are not accredited. They’re not being inspected. The test hasn’t the test equivalent of an MOT. Yet the results of this small handful of private labs are driving the entire covid19 policy of the U.K.

Even neutrals surely what nothing else but...
...reliable, checked data. I want reliable, checked data in which we can all have confidence.

Why is Govt running scared of open checking of data we’re paying for & which is negatively affecting our lives & those of everyone around us?
What are they hiding?
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