how to break a weight loss plateau and boost your metabolism 🌸

#edtwt #thinspo #thinsp0
a thread ---❀----
❀ what is a weight loss plateau?

in simple words its basically when you temporarily stop losing weight without changing your diet/restrictions/physical activity.

if you've been stuck in a plateau for weeks, it usually means that your calorie input is equal to your cal output
❀ weight loss plateaus can last from a week to even months at a time. they can honestly get really frustrating and make you feel worse the longer you're stuck in one so here's some tips to get out of one ♡︎
❀ keep in track of what you eat
- no I don't mean just cals. there are 7 major classes of nutrients for food, and if you want to lose weight the one you want to avoid is (refined) carbs.
- refined carbs are low in fibre and digest very quickly, leaving you wanting for more. keeping carbs completely out of your diet for even a week can show really good results and even break a plateau !
❀ proteins and fibre. yes
- in simple words to lose weight you need to end a day with a calorie deficit (500cals~) and the best way to do that is to have a diet surrounding proteins and fibre as they're very filling and are very low cal !
- revolving your diet around proteins/fibre while being on a calorie deficit for atleast a week will definitely break your plateau (from personal experience)
❀ exercise
- exercise plays a huge role in losing weight in general and are really helpful for breaking weight loss plateaus. aerobic exercises specifically are amazing for breaking plateaus (cycling, running, etc) at-home workouts like jumping jacks, burpees are good as well!
❀ intermittent fasting

intermittent fasting in simple words is having long fasting periods and small eating periods (18-6/20-4/etc) they're really good for weight loss and reducing your appetite in general, meaning you'll start feeling full without consuming ad much as before
❀ increase your intake for 1-2 days

- if you've gone a really long time with low/medium-low intake, I suggest eating up to a high cal intake (1200-1500) for a day or two to "boost" your metabolism as your body lowers it's metabolic rate in response to your low cal intake
- I've personally never tried it, but I've definitely seen it work for some people who generally consume low calories throughout the day. they have a non planned 'binge' and wake up losing weight instead of gaining !
❀ honeymoon phase/motivation
- in the beginning when your ed just developed (or the start of a diet) you'll generally be losing lots of pounds week after week for a month(s) straight, that's because you have the motivation to lose weight if that makes sense.
- there's really no straightforward solution for this, it all depends on you to try and re enter your honeymoon phase but it's good to acknowledge that so I decided to put it in the thread.
- just incase this helps, I thought about why I wanted to lose weight in the beginning, what I'd gain from losing weight, the thought of wearing small/baggy clothes and looking good no matter, etc. i sort of triggered myself with my ed which helped me focus on losing weight ♡︎
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