From the Middle of the Night File, up again after a few hours decent sleep, I was doing some organizing for tomorrow's thread. And what do I find? Once again Twitter has broken one of my threads. Yesterday morning's. It was a 4-tweet thread. I can only see 27 tweets.
2) I don't know what I'm going to do about it. That's a bridge too far. If I didn't have the thread reader app unroll above, I'd be checking my memory of my work. Thank goodness at least that's there!

45 - 27 = 18

Twitter disappeared 18 of my tweets. And they're not random.
3) At the same time, look what I find in my feed. Two announcements composed in identical format. I'll point out what's wrong with these "clarifications" below. This is from Newsmax.
4) And this from FOX.
5) Isn't it interesting that both clarifications follow the exact same series of questions and answers? Obviously this is from the legal department, as if it were information to be shared. It is not. It is very, very carefully NOT information. Focus on that.
6) I have seen no evidence of...

At no point does anyone ask, do you think there was election fraud? Even if they had been, they'd have just answered, "not that I know of." This is all legal malarkey, put out to fool us. Logic could easily rip it to shreds.
7) Clearly a bit groggy, I forgot that I know how to repair threads that Twitter breaks. So far, at least, it's easy enough. I just have to scroll through my individual tweets to I find one from the area after the break. Here's where they broke it:
8) So now, I just go add that and people will be able to re-establish the broken chain of the thread. I'll go do that right now...
You can follow @ThyConsigliori.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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