As mentioned I didn’t have anything to do with @RedCrossAU fundraising for 6 yrs. I was told many times stories about Aboriginal programs ‘didn’t make money’ their research showed donors wouldn’t donate to Indigenous programs 🙄 I’d think sounds racist af and
Red Cross was still happy to take these ppls $. I was glad I didn’t work with fundraising. But often pushed why not promote Indigenous programs? It’s a bit like chicken & the egg. If Australians don’t know the programs, of course they can’t support it 🤷🏽‍♀️
I’d see my colleagues battle between the hard sell of fundraising vs protecting clients’ dignity. The term ‘strength-based language’ was used in services & in my work in the dept, no where else. My approach was unique. Strength-based language & story telling.
All written about Indigenous ppl’s strengths, the impact of colonisation & how with right support ppl can better navigate challenges. I got every piece approved by the person sharing their story. I kept ppl images for 3 yrs. This process was a turnoff for fundraising
They wanted comms ppl to collect stories & then they or agency carved them up. In 2018 Red Cross for the first time promoted an Indigenous program in a campaign. The stories were strength-based. A miscommunication made me realise not everyone involved had seen their stories.
This happened the day the material was being presented to @RedCrossAU CEO. I told fundraising the content is good & didn’t expect any changes. But it’s how I worked. Indigenous ppl controlled their stories. So fundraising would have to wait a day until ppl saw the product
This news didn’t go down well with @RedCrossAU fundraising & an irate colleague yells at me saying I’m costing the organisation tens of thousands in lost revenue for each day delayed. Like fk I get it. $ means support for ppl. But don’t put that shit on me. Too bad I told them
If they go to print without waiting & there’s something we missed well, it’s on them. JFC. Thankfully I scrambled with the support of deadly mob & everyone sees the product & is happy. @RedCrossAU fundraising would pat themselves on the back a lot about this campaign 🙄
Bcoz fundraising had the $ for story collection I was pushing shit up hill. I tried 3 times to collect stories of Red Cross work in Broome & Derby. The manager there was a local Nikinya woman & there was a strong blak workforce doing a lot of deadly stuff with young Blak kids
The community trusted the team bcoz they were local. Every time I pitched & was rejected it was depressing. It really wore me down & the Broome crew. Fundraising would send our teams overseas. But not to WA to promote Blak staff and Blak programs. It was a recurring theme
I collected 3 stories of Blak staff, local mob doing great work in NSW w young ones & Elders. But Fundraising didn’t want them. over a year pass & these stories staff & community looked forward to seeing, weren’t published. I felt I let the mob down. But it was out of my control
Finally they are published on @RedCrossAU website. By then two of the main staff involved had left. It was shameful. I literally spent my whole 9 years at Australian Red Cross fighting for them to show humanity to Indigenous ppl
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