''The man who knew INFINITY ''

Shrinivasa Ramanujan was an Indian Mathematician who made great and original contributions to many mathematical fields , including
▪︎Complex Numbers
▪︎ Number Theory
▪︎ Infinity Series
▪︎ Continued fractions..
In early 20th century His number theory not only changed the field of mathematics but also lead to many discoveries in physics, making his work a ground-breaking path for many future theories and logic in subjects like ..
Particle physics ( कण भौतिकी )
Statistical mechanics( सांख्यिकी यंत्रशास्त्र )
Cryptology( कूटलिपि )
Black hole( कृष्ण विवर ) and so on.

A famous American mathematician named him''Time Traveller ''because of his foresightedness in mathematics.

Ramanujan had even calculated the length of the earth's equator
He was 1st Indian to be elected a fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.

He was only 2nd Indian to be offered fellowship in Royal society.
A deeply religious Hindu , Ramanujan credited his substantial mathematical capacities to divinity & said the mathematical knowledge he displayed was revealed to him by his family godess Namagiri Thayar . He once said ..
The year after his death , Nature listed Ramanujan among other distinguished scientists & mathematicians on a ''Calendar of Scientific pioneers ''

Ramanujan's home state of Tamil Nadu celebrated 22 December ( Ramanujan's birthday ) as state IT http://day.st 
Stamps picturing Ramanujan were issued by the GOI in 1962 , 2011 , 2012 and 2016 .
श्रीनिवास रामानुजन , वह भारतीय जो कहलाए गणित के जादूगर ,ऐसे महान गणितज्ञ को उनकी जयंति पर शत शत नमन 🙏🙏
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