$VGX - this is going to be a thread to provide my opinion & my feedback regarding the Voyager Loyalty Program - please read and comment - WE NEED YOU

Before I start - why don’t I just sell my $VGX and move on to something already built and established?

I trust in @Ehrls15. https://twitter.com/digitaldoji/status/1341220386508320769
And speak up now, and why in public in a critical way?

I believe the next 2-3 months will define the next 12-24 months for $VGX.

The swap is a 1-time opportunity to make an first impression.

I also know many of you share my same feelings and we want $VGX to be successful.
$VGX The Voyager Loyalty Program has many perks - at first glance it’s an impressive offering.

The full program is here: https://www.investvoyager.com/blog/voyager-loyalty-program-token-utility/amp/?__twitter_impression=true

I won’t go over the benefits of the program - you’re welcome to read it.

Okay Doji - What’s the problem?
1. There is a massive loophole in the proposed program that eliminates the need to buy or hold $VGX because users can now get ALL benefits without owning a single $VGX token.

$VGX holders are the loyal backbone of the community -> yet non-vgx accts get all the same benefits.
2. The 40m allocation pool ($VGX inflation) means $VGX holders pay for onboarding new users through the pool inflation.

$VGX holders are paying for new users (through inflation) based on the loyalty program’s structure whether these users buy $VGX or not (non-vgx accts).
3. Although The Token holders are paying for the new allo. pool, They receive no additional benefits in the program. Yes - ZERO special benefits from the Allocation pool for $VGX holders.

The allocation pool is inflating $VGX while adding 0 buying pressure.
What in the program makes users want to buy/hold $VGX?

After all - assets need buying pressure to appreciate in value.

Non-VGX accts get all the same perks - so $VGX is devalued in this loyalty program.
There is an easy fix:

One fix would be making the top “Voyager” tier require $VGX holdings.

This would be least Impactful - and I don’t think this is a needle mover.

Why? Read the Purple Cow and you’ll realize why.. (speed read here - https://brandgenetics.com/purple-cow-speed-summary/). We need WOW!
Since $VGX holders are paying for the allocation pool, $VGX holders need their own loyalty program.

Introduce $VGX loyalty Program.

Significantly bump rates for $BTC, $ETH, & $USDC for $VGX holders, & lower rates for non-VGX holders.

Every used should WANT $VGX.
I propose this new interest structure:

Non-VGX “Voyager” holders:
$BTC - 3.5% bump up 1% -> 4.5%
$ETH - 2.5% bump up 1% -> 3.5%
$USDC - 5% bump up 1% -> 6%

VGX “Voyager” holders:
Bump each 2x!
$BTC - 3.5% bump 2x -> 7%
$ETH - 2.5% bump 2x -> 5%
$USDC - 5% 2x -> 10%
This does a few things:

1. creates more buying pressure for $VGX

2. Saves Voyager on interest expenses - those who do not buy $VGX token rates are 2-4% lower on BTC, ETH & USDC.

3. Brings true utility to $VGX & rewards @investvoyager biggest promoters, the token holders.
I do a lot of work for Voyager for free.

I am one of @investvoyager biggest supporters.

But even I can admit this “loyalty program” does not help $VGX.. it hurts it.

Please comment and express your opinion - it matters.

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