ill say this on main fuck it

so many high level wifi smash players got a huge ego, and it shows so much. shits annoying.

it’s ok to be proud of yourself, but degrading others or raging at them for placing better than you is wildly immature.

it’s fucking WiFi.
and i can understand where this comes from. there’s nobody around them to keep them in check. the only time ppl watch them are when they stream, and even then they just have a bunch of yes-men behind them.

legit over half the shit I see on Twitter wouldn’t fly offline.
and I won’t go into my rant again about elitism in the WiFi community, but it CLEARLY exists. not just in that one grind server, but in the SCS as well.

it’s annoying, it’s childish, and quite frankly, it amplifies the worst of what smash has to offer.
it really has become clear to me why the rest of the FGC doesn’t want to interact with us if this is all they see.

but whatever you know? what’s me saying anything about it gonna do.
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