How To Become Immortal In the World That Wants You Dead.

Mega Thread
The advancement of science and technology has increased the life expectancy of Man by two-fold from 40 in the 1800s to the 70years present.

But even for all its advantages, life is now more chaotic and short

But you can still live without Dying

Here are ways👇👇
Chapter 1

Protecting your first wealth(health).

There is a lot of quick fixes in the health industries with alarming side effects, there are not many substances that are suffering from abuse than food.

From the consumption of GMOs, processed foods and Ultra processed food
To excessive obsession with food intake causing Diet Anxiety.

While so many foods are beneficial to health a lot of others are outrightly unhealthy.

So try to keep your plate simple by eating as many natural foods as possible


-fruit and vegetables
-nut and seeds
-grass-fed lean meat, chicken and eggs, etc.
-complex Carbs(grains and legumes)

All eating in Moderate quantities

Set aside one day in a week and rest your organs(Fasting)

Don't sweat on Fat, Just choose Butter over Margarine

Limit the frequency of Taking fries
Supplements for deficient Nutrients.

At least work out 4/7 days a week.

Do recreational activities(join a sports club, chess, and any other activities that help your relaxation.
Chapter 2

Protect Your second wealth (people)

People that are long dead but we still hear their name today were highly connected

They were masters of
• persuasion

3 skills of immortality

Today social media has given us connection in the palms
Of our hands, but on the flip side, it rubs us of genuine physical Connection.

Try to know people off social media
•make time for Dates
•help people with stuff for free
•Be laden with Value
•Be Charismatic

Without connection, your money is next to useless

Chapter 3

Protect your Third wealth(mind)

Even with all the advancement of science, scientists can't still figure out how the human mind works

Poor scientist

You see nature's greatest gift to man is imagination, which makes him different from other animals.
Man ability to imagine has made him a god on earth because he can create his reality

From being able to fly to Artificial Intelligence

Imagination is the core of Immortality

Imagination is greater than knowledge because where knowledge stops is where imagination starts
Think about these immortals Einstein, Galileo, Newton Gates Bezos, curie Nightingale

They changed the world with their ability to imagine

And now they are not Dead

Create, and feel your reality with Imagination.
Chapter 4

Protect your fourth wealth (Money)

I haven't made enough yet so I'm not in a position to advise you on that, But we all know what money can do for us.

Money gives you freedom and from freedom comes the ability to Do things that will make you immortal
I have a powerful material I digest every other week written by @naval Ravikant

Read with an open mind
Chapter 5

Protecting your 5th wealth (Family)

God gave man two choices on immortality, either live without dying or live in his seeds(offspring)

We all know the choice he made

Family is a very pivotal part of immortality

From couple goals to children
In a weird world of misandry disguised as feminism, Men have to be more in this regard

Because flawed upbringing causes a lot of chaos in today society

As a result of kids raised by single parents or Absentee fathers.
Men your choose women that their masculine energy with feminity,

Don't be moved by all this equality, prop, that's not natural

You either lead her or she leads you.

Whoever emerges as a leader has a lasting effect on the family and society at large.
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