Here's what all the people trolling for outrage clicks all day today didn't tell you:

The CCP Virus relieve bill was tacked on to the **annual federal spending package**.

That includes the Defense budget, among other things.
Yes, there's a lot to be upset about in the $900 billion relief bill, but people freaking out that it includes Defense budget items and foreign aid and a dozen other things don't understand what they are looking at.

Or they do, and they are misleading you.
From a lot of outraged comments I"m seeing, people seem to have been led to believe the $900 billion CCP Virus relief bill and the $1.4 trillion annual federal spending bill are the SAME THING, like it was ALL supposed to be COVID relief.

That is incorrect.
I don't mean to shock anybody, but did you know in the annual federal spending budget, there are hundreds of billions for the defense department, foreign aid, etc.

Of course there's massive amounts of waste and stupid programs.

But this happens every year.
The only different this year is that Congress tacked the $900 billion COVID relief bill inside the annual federal spending package.

It is what it is.

ADDENDUM: Not saying they should have passed it.

People freaking over "Why is money in our COVID relief bill going to Israel or the Egyptian military!!!!" don't even understand they're looking at a massive federal spending package, not just the COVID relief part.
The annual federal spending package is what **funds the entire federal government** for the next year.

Because of the COVID relief being tacked on at the last minute, people are paying attention to everything that's in it.

Which is great.

People are seeing the waste.
"Why is there billions of dollars going to the US military and the militaries of our allies in our COVID relief bill!" shows people don't know how anything works and they don't understand what they are looking at.

That's the bad part of this.
The good part is they'll see the BILLIONS of dollars that get wasted on stupid programs that don't make any sense.

That's the good part of this.

It's mixed.

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